Docs | Overview

GetGaap provides a set of HTTP APIs to access financial data from the filings companies make to the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC). You can use these APIs to import financial data into your own application or directly into a spreadheet, e.g. Google Sheets.

The best way to get started with GetGaap is to follow the tutorial. In less that three minutes you will use GetGaap APIs to create a histogram of Microsoft Corporation's annual gross revenue in Google Sheets and get a sense what the service is about.

The API Reference documents all options of the GetGaap APIs. The FAQ answers the frequently asked questions.

GetGaap provides convenient request builders for the three main APIs. The Company API serves the basic information about companies, for example: address, industry, financial calendar, ticker symbol, and exchange. The Snapshot API provides the snapshot of a company's financial data for a given calendar year or quarter. The Histogram API lets you access a time series of a specific financial metric of a selected company, either on an annual or quarterly basis.

For more advanced use cases, GetGaap offers direct SQL access to the data. This allows you to compute custom aggregates or indices and run advanced analytical queries over 100+ million data points in our financial database. Please contact us for more information.

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