Financial Data API for Your App and Spreadsheet


100+ Million Company Numbers From SEC Filings

10-K, 10-Q, and More

Get company information and financial data from forms 10-K, 10-KT, 10-Q, 10-QT, 8-K, 40-F, 20-F, 6-K filed in the SEC EDGAR system. From revenue to net profit to taxes, access 100+ million financial facts from 18+ thousand companies.

10-K Form
Call GetGaap from Google Sheets

In Your Spreadsheet

Get current company financial data directly into Google Sheets or Excel for custom analysis and charting using the CSV format.

In Your App

Call the simple yet flexible HTTP APIs to get company fundamentals in the JSON format. Ask for a snapshot of the data from a given moment, or a histogram for a specific financial metric and time span.

Call GetGaap from VS Code
Run SQL queries against GetGaap data

In Your Data Warehouse

Compute custom aggregates and run advanced analytical queries over 100+ million financial facts using SQL. Access our Google Cloud Big Query dataset or have us push data to your own SQL data warehouse.

Got three minutes?

That's all it takes to create your first revenue chart in Google Sheets using GetGaap APIs.

Zero commitment.

Check out the tutorial
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